"1779" 24
Pounder Naval
Cannon Plans

close replica to one of the 24
pound guns used on the ship
USS Constitution.
The original guns were 10 feet
long and fired 24 pound iron
balls. Canons of that era were
usually of cast iron but
sometimes bronze, and with oak
carriages. Everything on the
model works just as on the
originals. If you want to be
historically correct rather
than have a polished mantle
piece like mine, the barrel
and all fittings should be
black and the carriage of oak.
Either way, it is an
impressive model that will
take "center stage" on your
fireplace mantle, book shelf
or desk.
plans set consists of 8 sheets
of drawings, an info sheet and
a sheet of construction and
assembly notes.
Scale: 1/10th, Length:
12-1/2", Height: 4-1/4", Bore:

"Your plans
look the best I have
seen." - H. Schultz,
Industrial Tool
& Die